
Performance attributes of the plant for the production of the peat-coal fuel

Plant is designed to produce new kinds of fuel using traditional sources of raw materials - coal, peat, oil or masut with new characteristics in the form of peat-coal briquettes and liquid fuel.
The basis of the suggested technology is in a deep processing of wastes of fuel extraction and attaching new characteristics which satisfy standards.
As a raw material the peat and waste of coal mining are used. Oil and masut are used as modifiers. The suggested plant solves the problem of using the technology of raw materials processing in industry.
In the project there are taken into consideration the posibility of plant scaling according its productivity, power inputs, transporting characteristics, automation and the end product quality control.

Modular compact-aggregate of new generation for the production of vitamin-grass flour, briquettes, granules and protein concentrate from vegetable raw materials and field husbandry wastes

To present days vitamin-grass flour was produced using plants of the analog machine model which as known, were expensive, metal consuming aggregates with the high power-consuming of the process. It predetermined the complete failure of the model.
The radical improvement of performance characteristics of the production of flour from vegetable raw materials and field husbandry wastes is possible only through a new technical approach based on a new technical base. This base is developed by us unique energy-efficient hardware for the fragmentation, crushing, dispersion, spraying, separation and iltration, which serve as the basis for the creation of highly effective высокоэффективного compact modular unit for the production of flour, briquettes, granules and protein concentrate from initial vegetable raw materials with the productivity of 1,0 ton per hour with predictable power intensity - not more than 65 kilowatt-hour per ton. Major advantages of the suggested solutions are the simplicity and high effectivity of the developed hardware for the processing of viscous materials. It allows to bring about the new resource-economy technology for the processing of vegetable raw materials.

The efficient production of the cement

        Portland cement – the product of the fine crushing of the clinker derived by a burning till the caking of raw mix which consists of carbonate components (limestone, chalk, shell rock, calc-tuff, marble, marl) and clayey componenets (clay, cinder, slime) and corrective ingredients. The best raw carbonate component is the lime marl which contains 75-80% CaCO3 and 20-25% of clay. More often on cement works there is used the limestone  – artificial blends: CаО –63-66%. KaО2 – 21–24%, Аl2О3 – 4–8%, Fe2O3 – 2–4%.

Тhe Production Line for the production of vegetable oils from any oil cultures

Productivity - 3 tons per hour, power consumption - 3 kilowatt-hour.
Maintenance staff - 2 persons.
Occupied area 25 m2 excluding space for the bunker for raw materials and finished-products storage area.
The extraction of oils from seeds of anyoil cultures is not less than 95 - 97% of the total containts.

Technological Complex for Damped Tyres Processing

The problem of the environmental safety is becoming more and more acute in our modern society. As a result, to protect the environment huge amounts of investment are being made for restructuring the industrial process. The best way-out is designing a closed production cycle where no harmful wastes can escape, and the end product can be processed and used again. Existing technologies of processing allow to utilize practically any wastes of human vital functions. But for the successful realization of these technologies the end process of the utilization should be profitable in accordance with laws of the economics.

Project for the economy of the solid fuel through the preparation of a coal-water slurry and the burning of it in a fire-chamber by vortical precombustion burners

Even through a standard technology of burning of sort coals the underburning comprises 10–50% or the process of burning takes place in places where it does not influence the degree of efficiency, for example in gas flues. The underburning of the fuel particles takes place in zones which are low in oxidant, that is why ideal conditions for the full burning are with keeping the  stoichiometric ratio of the oxidant and the fuel in every point of the stream.

Thermal generator TG-10

The thermal generator is essentially new source of heat. The principle of its work is based on creation of hydrodynamic fluctuations of high intensity in the liquid environment, accompanied by heat allocation. The liquid is simultaneously both a working body and thermal energy carrier. The range of working temperatures created by thermal generators lies in an interval 273°К—373°К.

New equipment for the production of cheap and high-quality feeds

The present suggestion contains specific solutions for the increase of the effectivenes of the process of production of feeds of high quality, low primecost, high specific capacity and wide range of vegetable raw materials and waste usage. Its main point is in the developing of the system of modular plants for the processing of all kinds of initial raw materials into cereals, flour or paste, the making of technological briquettes for warehousing and transportation, and also the following blending of components and the production of granules with given qualities. The simplicity and effectiveness of such technology is based on developed by us new highly efficient hardware for the production of powders, pastes and suspensions from different initial raw materials.