Size of the rubber crumb (in millimetres) |
Sphere of application |
Volume of additions (in %) |
Effect |
0,1 - 0,2 |
in the blend of the rubber crumb with other polymers for the waterproofing of soil layers in oil production |
cause the decrease of the oil loss |
up to 0,2 |
anti-corrosion pastes |
are applied on the car’s bottom and other metal goods for corrosion protection |
0,2 - 0,45 |
rubber blends for the production of new tyre-covers, solid-rubber tyres and other general mechanical rubber goods |
5 - 20 |
raise the tyre resistance to banding influences and hits increasing the term of use |
0,6 |
production of rubber footwear and other general mechanical rubber goods |
50 - 70 |
qualities of such rubber (solidity, deformability) practically don’t differ from those of ordinary rubber made of caoutchouc |
0,8 |
production of reclaim with the help of a thermomechanical method, rubber blends |
0,5 – 1,0 |
used as an addition for the modifications of oil bitumen asphaltic concrete blends used in the road building |
about 2% from the mass of the mineral material, i.e. 60-70 tons for 1 km of the road-bed |
improve their deformative and frictional qualities. Such additions allow to increase solidity of the pavement and their resistance to hits and bursting, frost-resistance in case of temperature drops. By this the term of use of road beds increases in 1,5 – 2 times. |
0,5 – 1,0 |
used as a sorbent for the collection of oil and liquid mineral oils from the water surface and soil, for the plugging of oil wells |
up to 1,0 |
for making composition roofing materials (membrane, rubber roofing slate), supports under rails, rubber-bituminous mastics, vulcanized and non-vulcanized roll waterproofing materials |
up to 1,4 |
production of building materials and products, slabs for covering sport areas and racetracks |
use in house-building as heat-insulating and soundproof layers in wall panels and flooring |
1,0 - 2,0 |
as a fuel by coal burning |
10 |
2,0 – 10,0 | production of solid-rubber slabs for completing tram and railway crossings, sport areas with comfortable and secure surface, stock buildings and others | notable for long term of use, good atmosphere resistance, low sound-level and modern design |